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【财税论坛】Data Warehousing for Applications in Applied Economics Research

发布时间:2016-09-28 浏览次数:

题目:Data Warehousing for Applications in Applied Economics Research


讲座地点: 沙河校区 (6号楼106)


主讲人信息:prof. Joshua Woodard, the assistant professor and the Zaitz Family Faculty Fellow of Business and Finance, in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University. His work focuses primarily on policy issues, risk management, banking, and insurance, with special emphases on empirical applications, spatial data analysis, weather risk, and large scale data analysis. He is the founder of, a live open data integration and automation platform. He has published in a wide variety of journals, and serves in a variety of leadership roles within professional associations.

讲座摘要:The community and associated agencies as a whole have arguably made only relatively modest advances in terms of taking advantage of available data, tools, and paradigms. While policy analysts and managers typically source data from a wide variety agencies, these data are typically not structured or organized in a way that easily enables the policy research nor development of analytical tools, nor is there much focus on the same. Raw data from the agencies are often published at various levels of spatial and temporal resolution that must be processed and transformed by individual researchers, resulting in massive duplication in efforts, inefficient data sourcing, and great potential for error. The sheer scope and complexity of the “real world” necessitates adaptable and accessible data infrastructures, computational models, and visualization methods to tackle the research questions of the future. Prof. Woodard would like to provide a brief overview of this state of affairs within the community. An overview of a prototype warehouse is also provided, as are thoughts on future directions.

Appl. Econ.Perspect.Pol.-2016-Woodard-373-88.pdf