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【资产评估论坛】Some Tips in Publishing / Writing / Find a thesistopic / Address reviewe

发布时间:2016-07-10 浏览次数:

【资产评估论坛】Some Tips in Publishing / Writing / Find a thesistopic / Address reviewers’ comments(科研工作中有关学术出版、写作、论文选题与处理审稿人意见方面的经验分享)

讲座题目:Some Tips in Publishing / Writing / Find a thesistopic / Address reviewers’ comments(科研工作中有关学术出版、写作、论文选题与处理审稿人意见方面的经验分享)





Johnny Chan, He isthe Leon Page Chair of Finance and a University Distinguished Professor(tenured). He received his B.Soc.S degree in Economics at Chinese University ofHong Kong, M.A. in Economics, M.A. in Finance, and Ph.D. in Finance at theUniversity of Alabama. His teaching interests are investments and internationalfinance. Research interests include corporate governance, analyst behavior,mutual funds, financial education, journal ranking, and measurement ofintellectual contributions.

Hehas published more than 150 journal articles in leading finance and businessjournals (publisher) such as Accounting and Business Research, Accounting andFinance, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Australian Accounting Review,Family Business Review, European Financial Management, Financial Management,Financial Review, International Business Review, Journal of Banking and Finance,Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of CorporateFinance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Education, Journalof Financial Research, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies, Journalof Portfolio Management, Journal of Real Estate Research, Real EstateEconomics, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, among others.

Heheld tenured faculty positions at the University of Dayton, the University ofWisconsin-Parkside, and Minnesota State University Moorhead before he joinedWKU in 2003. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder andwas a director of Midwest Finance Association (2004-2007).

Hewon the College public service award in 2007; College research award in 2005,2008, 2010, and 2015; the Vitale Award for Innovation, Initiative, andLeadership in 2008; and awarded a University Distinguished Professor in2013.  He was an associate editor ofJournal of Financial Education (2009-2014), and currently an associate editorof Chinese Economy and other journals.